Amanda Middleditch

Quick Facts of Amanda Middleditch

Name Amanda Middleditch
Age 50s
Gender Female
Height 5 Feet 6 Inches
Nationality British
Profession Reality TV Star
Married/Single Married
Children 1 son
Education University of Southampton
Instagram @bearitinmind02

Amanda Middleditch is a TV celebrity who is currently popular with the British TV series The Repair Shop. Amanda and her partner Julia are running their Teddy Bear Store together.

In an interview, they said that Ricochet offered them to be in the show along with the pilot season. They liked the structure and the ethos of the show. Amanda and her wife Julia opened their teddy bear store in 2006.

Amanda Middleditch liked to retain the traditional toy-making in Britain. So, who’s Amanda Middleditch from the Repair Shop? Let’s read more about her Wiki, Era, Instagram Bio: Teddy Repair Shop.

Trivia and Facts

  1. Amanda Middleditch appears to be in her early fifties, but she has not announced her precise date of birth.
  2. In 2020, she was seen on episode 26 of the reality TV show the repair shop that was broadcast from BBC.
  3. Amanda and her husband created the teddy bear store in 2006. They opened a store in Hythe, Southampton.
  4. She graduated from the University of Southampton with a degree in Geology. Amanda didn’t intend to pick a bear to fix as her career path, but it was all her passion.
  5. Amanda doesn’t have a Wikipedia page under her profile, but we can find a number of places that have written her bio.
  6. She’s kept her private life in the shade. But it is reported that she has a son, but his name is not revealed. Also, she didn’t offer any details about her husband.
  7. We don’t have any details about her family and her parents.
  8. Amanda and Julia have a personal webpage of their bear shop with information about the shop and pictures of their operation.
  9. The net valuation of Amanda is currently under analysis and will be revised shortly. So, keep tuned.
  10. She has launched the Instagram site, where she has more than 11K followers.

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