Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur

Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur is a member of the family. She is Alessandra Ambrosio’s and Jamie Mazur’s daughter.

Anja is the oldest sister of Alessandra and Jamie. Her brother’s name is Noah Phoenix Ambrosio Mazur. He is four years her junior.

Anja is often regarded as a potential model. In addition, she is often seen doing runway walks in fashion shows with her mother.

Anja Facts 10 Mazur, Louise Ambrosio

1. Anja’s Louise Ambrosio Mazur’s birthday is August 24th. She is now 12 years old and was born in 2008.
2. The precise height and weight of Anja are uncertain. She does, however, stand at the average height of a 12-year-old boy. Her weight is also kept in proportion to her height.
3. Anja does not actually have a career. She was, however, born into a wealthy family. According to, her mother’s net worth is reported to be around $60 million.
4. Jamie Mazur and Alessandra Ambrosio are Louise’s parents. Her family also includes a sibling. Noah Phoenix Ambrosio Mazur is her brother’s name.
5. Anja’s parents, Jamie and Alessandra, are no longer together. Since 2008, they have been together for nearly a decade. The couple divorced on March 17th, 2017.
6. Anja, unlike her mother, does not have a wiki page.
7. Louise was born in the United States and educated there. She was born in the United States and holds American citizenship.
8. Alessandra, Anja’s mother, is a well-known television personality and model. She is, in reality, a Victoria Secret model.
9. Anja is well-known for her mother-daughter runway walk. When she was ten years old, she made her first runway appearance in Florence for a children’s clothing line named Monnalisa. She also starred in the 2012 London Fog campaign alongside her mother.
10. Louise does not have her own Instagram account, but she does have one produced by her fans.

Facts of Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur

Name Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur
Birthday August 24, 2008
Age 12
Gender Female
Height 4 Feet and 9 Inches
Nationality American
Parents Alessandra Ambrosio And Jamie Mazur
Siblings 1


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