Antonia Michalsky

Quick Facts of Antonia Michalsky

Name Antonia Michalsky
Birthday July 10
Age 33
Gender Female
Nationality German
Ethnicity White
Profession TV actress
Net Worth under review
Married/Single in a relationship
Instagram antoniamichalsky

Antonia Michalsky is a well-known German television actress who is both attractive and talented. Antonia has appeared in a number of films and television shows and is best known for her role on the Unter Uns television series.

Furthermore, Antonia Michalsky has amassed a sizable fan base on Instagram, with 24.8k followers on her official account.

Trivia and Facts

  1. Antonia Michalsky is a well-known German television actress who is both attractive and talented.
  2. Antonia Michalsky has appeared in a number of films and television shows, and is best known for her role on the Unter Uns television series.
  3. She was born in Hamburg, Germany, on July 10, 1990. She is reportedly 33 years old at the time of writing this post.
  4. Antonia is of German descent and is of white ethnicity.
  5. Antonia has been taking acting classes at various acting schools and institutes since she was a teenager, and she has a strong desire to perform.
  6. She is reportedly in a relationship, as shown by the pictures she has shared on her official Instagram account with her boyfriend.
  7. She has never shared any detail about her family history, parents, or siblings on the internet.
  8. There is no detail about her exact height, weight, or body measurements, but she has a pleasing stature.
  9. She has amassed a sizable fan base on Instagram, with 24.8k followers on her official account.
  10. According to different outlets, her true net worth and income have yet to be determined.

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