Celebrity Casino Tales: The Glitz, Glamour, and Jackpots of the Rich and Famous

Celebrities like to play casinos. Many of them have been spotted in the richest and the most exclusive gambling halls around the world, including Vegas casinos. Celebs often play big and bet thousands and even millions of dollars just for entertainment. Here are the stories of the rich and famous who are frequent casino goers.

  1. Ben Affleck

Hollywood star actor Ben Affleck is famous for his passion for blackjack and poker. You probably don’t expect it from the celeb, but he’s a real pro in these games. Affleck has even been banned from blackjack tables at Vegas Hard Rock and a few other venues because he successfully counted cards and won a few hundred thousand dollars.

The actor also participated in poker tournaments, including the 2004 California State Championship, where he won a pot of $350 000.

The last time he was spotted gambling was in 2021, when he visited the luxury Wynn Casino. We presume that the actor might also play online when he doesn’t want to visit a land-based gambling hall. There are plenty of good options Affleck could choose from due to the variety of available online gambling halls. You can also find some on the BestCasinoPlay website. They have the top choice of online casinos, which were exhaustively checked by their expert team.

2. Paris Hilton

The famous blond socialite Paris Hilton is a frequent casino goer who loves playing blackjack. She can regularly be spotted in the richest Vegas casino. We’re sure she likes to visit luxury casinos outside the US as well.

Believe it or not, Hilton is a skilled blackjack player. She reportedly won a couple of big hands worth tens of thousands of dollars.

 3.  Dana White

The UFC president Dana White is famous in the world of sports but also a vehement gambling fan. He’s a blackjack man who’s truly successful in this game. They say that Dana once won $7M+ just overnight.

White made some headlines when he was banned from Palms Casino because of his high stakes and win, reaching a few million dollars. We think that Dana might have an extremely efficient blackjack high-stakes strategy that allows him to beat the house that easily.

The UFC president is one of the most prominent gamblers in the world of sports but there are lots of players and athletes who enjoy casinos as well. This fact just doesn’t become public. Gambling is also popular among singers, famous musicians, TV stars, and other celebrities.

4.  50 Cent

The rap music legend 50 Cent is one of the most prominent gamblers on our list. He’s especially fond of betting and places extremely big bets. The signer has once wagered $500 000 on the match between the San Francisco 49s and New York Giants. As you might have guessed, 50 Cent won the bet. Such a story is one of many, which only confirms that he’s a truly lucky gambler.

Though 50 Cent is renowned for his incredibly high sports stakes, he most likely enjoys casino games as well and visits the most luxurious venues privately without public attention.

5.  Charles Barkley

Famous basketball player Charles Barkley is, unlike most other celebrities on our list, more famous for his gambling losses. In one of the interviews, he admits a total lifetime loss of around $10M, which is huge. Barkley says it might be a problem, but he also assures that he still can afford to gamble and doesn’t want to quit. It’s obvious that the prominent basketball player just enjoys casinos, no matter whether he wins or loses.

One of Barkley’s biggest losses was in 2006 when he wasted approximately $2.5M in just six hours of the game. Even with all his passion for casino play, we think that Charles needs to employ a good stop-loss strategy, which should include:

  • limits on bets;
  • stop-loss threshold;
  • gaming session limits.

6. Conclusion on Celebrity Casino Gambling

Celebrities enjoy gambling entertainment and the thrilling emotions it brings. Unlike many other people, they have a huge budget to back their passion. This means the rich and famous can place incredibly high stakes worth hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. The wins from such bets may be incredibly big, but the losses are impressive as well.

  • About the Author

Robert V. Gee is a blog writer and journalist. He’s versed in many topics, but gambling is one of his favorites. Robert does a lot of research to provide his readers with the most exclusive content.