Dr. Alessandro Giardini

Dr. Alessandro Giardini is a professional British doctor. He is actually best known as a cardiologist. His current address is Great Ormond St, Holborn, London WC1N 3JH, United Kingdom. Here, he also has his own private clinic. He has even provided his contact number so that people can call him directly: +44 7595 385849.

It seems his patients are very much happy with the services he provides. In fact, Dr. Alessandro has the average rating of 5/5 in Google reviews from almost 123 reviewers. According to his patients, his works are very professional and satisfying. He is a specialist in the diagnosis and management of children with congenital heart disease.

Particularly, he is more specialized in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Since the year 2007, Dr. Alessandro has been providing his services for Great Ormond Street Hospital. He is also the director of the Inpatient Services and oversees which is merely based on children’s health.

10 Facts About Dr. Alessandro Giardini:

  1. Dr. Alessandro Giardini’s exact date of birth is not known. However, he seems to be in his forties currently.
  2. We are also unknown about his height, weight, and other various body measurements.
  3. He is a British who was born in London, United Kingdom.
  4. Professionally, he is well-known as a cardiologist who is more specialized in the diagnosis and management of children with congenital heart disease.
  5. He hasn’t shared much about his parents as well as his siblings.
  6. The estimated net worth of Dr. Alessandro will be known very soon.
  7. Also, he has not shared anything about his current relationship status and also about his children.
  8. It is believed that he completed his medical degree from one of the universities in London, UK.
  9. We can find him only on Twitter.
  10. In fact, he has gained more than 60 followers on his official Twitter account.

Facts of Dr. Alessandro Giardini

Name Dr. Alessandro Giardini
Gender Male
Nationality British
Ethnicity White
Profession Cardiologist
Twitter @AleGia74