How to Write an Essay about a Famous Person

Writing a compelling essay requires specific sets of skills. It becomes even more essential to master essay-writing tips when you need to write about a popular person. Students across all academic levels should master the elements that enhance the quality of an essay. For instance, when writing an essay about a famous person you admire, you want to keep your audience engaged throughout your paper.

When writing an essay, remember that you are writing for your readers. So, no matter how much you admire your subject, you must consider the different perspectives the readers may have. For example, if you are writing a paper about a famous political figure, you must acknowledge that some readers may have different opinions from yours.

While you may want to write about your subject’s strengths to convince your readers of their impacts on society, you should mind those with contrary opinions and draft your paper most appealingly. For example, you should touch on weaknesses but show how their strengths mitigate any negative impacts on society or what the individual does. Here are a few tips on how to write an essay about a famous person.

7 Strategies for Writing about a Famous Person You Admire

Writing an essay about a famous individual you admire may be an enriching experience compared to writing essays on other topics. You will have the chance to demonstrate to your readers that you admire the individual as you offer insights about the qualities you admire. Writing about your idol doesn’t mean your essay will automatically be a high-quality custom essay written by experts. Here are 7 tips you should master to deliver a top-notch essay from scratch.

  • Research extensively: Before you start your essay, research thoroughly to get as much information as possible about the individual. Ensure you have adequate information about the individual’s life, accomplishments, and by extension, their contribution to society. Note that you should rely on credible sources to ensure the information you provide is accurate.
  • Focus on their impacts: Anyone who wants to read an essay about a popular person would want to understand the reasons for the admiration. Ensure you understand how the individual has impacted society in their field. For example, if you are writing about a human rights activist, consider including their journey to activism and the success stories they have in restoring dignity to society.
  • Discuss the achievements: One of the reasons you may admire someone is because of their life achievements. When you write a biography about a famous person you would want to communicate the same to your readers. You want them to see the achievements that the individual has accomplished to earn admiration and honor. Your essay should highlight the key achievements and also the challenges they overcame to achieve their dreams.
  • Discuss their unique attributes: Academic experts from CustomWritings explain that one of the aspects that make your biography compelling is to describe a famous person based on their unique attributes. There are those specific qualities that set famous people aside. For example, top innovators and entrepreneurs may be known for their resilience and their dedication. Include those attributes in your paper to make it more compelling.
  • Provide your readers with context: You should strive to provide your readers with the context to help them understand how the individual impacted society. For example, did they do something that altered oppressive cultural practices? Did they contribute to economic freedom? What was the context? Such information paints a clear picture to the reader to appreciate what the famous person has done.
  • Be objective: When writing any essay, you should remain objective. One of the aspects your instructors assess in your essays is the ability to remain objective when tackling a given topic. Writing about a popular person, one that you admire, may make your paper subjective as you focus on the positives. Don’t shy away from acknowledging any criticism or negative concerns about the person. Highlighting them allows you to give a balanced perspective.
  • Proofread, edit, and revise your draft: After you write an article about a famous person, dedicate adequate time to proofreading, editing, and revising to ensure you submit a flawless paper. Remember, failing to correct mistakes lowers the quality of your paper and may reduce its readability. Readers may lose interest in reading it as they feel you aren’t attentive enough to identify the mistakes.

5 Things You Should Avoid When You Write an Essay about a Famous Person

  1. Exaggeration: When writing about someone you adore, chances are you may make claims that are difficult to prove. Make sure that the information you share in your paper can be substantiated with credible sources.
  2. Poor research: You should ensure that you conduct extensive research to provide your readers with detailed information. Incomplete research means you provide your readers with a subjective point of view. Your paper will be objective if you rely on different sources. Some students choose to use only one source when writing a bibliography, which lowers the quality of the paper.
  3. Copying: Another mistake that you should avoid is plagiarism. When you are using information from other authors, make sure to paraphrase and cite appropriately. Giving credit to authors through citing and referencing is a requirement in academic writing. Don’t forget to cite your papers appropriately according to the required formatting style.
  4. Leaving out controversies: One of the hardest things to do is to point out the mistakes of a person you adore. When writing a biography about your idol, you would want to include all the good things. However, it is advisable to include the controversies and concerns about them since your audience needs a balanced view. If your college instructor requires you to write an essay on a famous person, ensure you address both the good and the bad to score high grades.
  5. Generalization: You should avoid generalizing about the work or the person. What you are writing in your essay is the actual experiences of the famous person. Therefore, you should include an example when you make a claim. For example, if you say the person is kind-hearted. , provide your readers with a scenario that illustrates your claim. Leaving it at that doesn’t add value to your paper

What Not to Forget

In college or university, you are required to write different types of essays to not only assess your knowledge but also to prepare you for your future jobs. On many occasions, you may be required to provide an honest opinion about something that is so dear to you. Writing about your idol is one way to prepare you to become objective when addressing an important issue. Mastering the highlighted strategies and understanding the don’ts will ensure you deliver a top-notch essay about a famous person.