Paul Marcarelli

Paul Marcarelli is an American actor who has worked in numerous commercials for various brands…wiki reveals his age as of 2020…is openly gay…is married to Ryan Brown…knew each other since 1992 after they were introduced to each other because Ryan was working at…was hired as a spokesperson by its rival company Sprint

Paul Marcarelli is a well-known American actor who has appeared in numerous commercials for various brands.

He rose to prominence after appearing as the ‘Test Man’ in a Verizon Wireless commercial advertisement in 2002. Lines like “Can you hear me now?” and “Good” helped him become a household name.

Until 2011, he appeared in hundreds of Verizon commercials. Then, in 2016, after his non-compete agreement with Verizon expired, he was hired as a spokesperson for Sprint’s rival company. He has been serving the Sprint since then.

Wikimedia Commons has a page dedicated to Paul Marcarelli’s age.

Paul Marcarelli was born on May 24, 1970, in North Haven, Connecticut, United States.

Matthew Marcarelli is his twin brother.

Paul also earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Fairfield University in 1992.

Net worth

Paul Marcarelli has a net worth of $10 million, according to Celebrity Networth.

Sexuality (Gay) Discussions

Paul Marcarelli is an out, gay man.

During an interview for The Atlantic’s 2011 profile, he stated that in 2006, some local youths would drive past his house in Guildford, Connecticut, at all hours of the night and yell, “Can you hear me now?” Later, some teenagers discovered he was gay and began using gay slurs such as ‘Faggot.’

However, he refused to report the bullying to police, fearing that his sexuality would be revealed and jeopardize his income because he was a popular person featured in Verizon advertisements.


Ryan Brown, the chef, and owner of Ryan Brown Catering in Brooklyn, New York, is Paul Marcarelli’s wife.

The couple has known each other since 1992 when they were introduced at a modeling agency. Paul’s ex-boyfriend and Ryan used to work there. Ryan quickly became one of Paul’s first friends in New York.

Paul Marcarelli and his husband, Ryan Brown, on March 14, 2019 (Photo courtesy of Paul Marcarelli’s Instagram).

Though they weren’t close enough to see each other on a regular basis, they would run into each other at a party or the gym. However, Paul first considered dating Ryan in 2008, when he was producing a play and Ryan came with a mutual friend who was in the play.

So, after dating for a few years, they married on October 6, 2014.

Feature Films

The Green, a film written and produced by Paul Marcarelli, premiered at Outfest in 2011. The film went on to win several best feature awards, as well as accolades for the screenplay and cast.

Then, in 2013, he wrote and produced Clutter, another feature film.

The film debuted in competition at the 2013 Seattle International Film Festival and was released theatrically in May 2014. The film won Best Feature Film at the Harlem International Film Festival and was nominated for the New American Cinema Award and the Women Film Critics Circle Award.

In addition, he executive-produced the hit documentary The Royal Road in 2015, and he continued to serve as an executive producer on four episodes of the TV show Adult in 2018.

Quick facts

Сеlеbrаtеd Nаmе: Раul Маrсаrеllі
Rеаl Nаmе/Full Nаmе: Раul Маrсаrеllі
Gеndеr: Маlе
Аgе: 51 уеаrѕ оld
Віrth Dаtе: 24 Мау 1970
Віrth Рlасе: Nоrth Наvеn, Соnnесtісut, Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ
Nаtіоnаlіtу: Аmеrісаn
Неіght: 1.78 m
Wеіght: 70 kg
Ѕехuаl Оrіеntаtіоn: Ѕtrаіght
Маrіtаl Ѕtаtuѕ: Маrrіеd
Wіfе/Ѕроuѕе (Nаmе): Rуаn Вrоwn (m. 2014)
Сhіldrеn: Nо
(Nаmе): N/А
Рrоfеѕѕіоn: Аmеrісаn асtоr
Nеt Wоrth іn 2021: $10 mіllіоn
Lаѕt Uрdаtеd: Аuguѕt 2021

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