Rebecca Holets

Have you ever heard of instances where people seem to have reached their lowest point and then, all of a sudden, their life take a full turnabout? Yes, in the movies. However, this is not about some mysterious sorcery or a god performing his or her will. It concerns a typical and compassionate human action that significantly improved someone’s life.

Facts of Rebecca Holets

Full Name Rebecca Holets
Nationality American
Birth Country America
Birth Place United States
Ethnicity white
Sexual Orientation straight

Who is Rebecca Holets?

Ryan Holets, an Albuquerque police officer, is married to Rebecca Holets.

Recently, the pair gained notoriety throughout the world for adopting the daughter of a heroin addict woman. Before having their fifth child, the couple had a total of four of their own.

Rebecca Holets and her husband Ryan with their adopted daughter Hope. Photo Source: CNN

Rebecca also authored a book on the adoption experience after it had taken place, under the title Surrender: A Love Letter to My Daughter. In September 2017, the couple adopted the infant, and they have been raising her ever since.

What Did Rebecca Holets Do ?

Crystal Champ, a 36-year-old lady who was experiencing serious difficulties in her life, was the catalyst for everything. The woman had been homeless for more than two years and was residing on the streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Due to her addiction to heroin and crystal meth, she had trouble making ends meet. Additionally, the fact that Rebecca Holets was eight months pregnant when her husband Ryan Holets discovered her doing heroin behind a convenience store didn’t help.

Baby Hope’s biological parents Crystal Champ and her partner Tom Key. Photo Source: KRQE News 13

Rebecca and her husband adopted the child, who was born in October and was given the name Hope, despite being aware that the child’s life might be in danger. Hope the baby’s mother Crystal also received a second chance at life. Later, she entered a rehab facility, and now she has been clean for over two years. She is presently giving her all to aiding addicts like herself in their recovery.

Hope is doing just fine and receiving all the love she deserves from her new family, despite the fact that she was born a month early. It’s reassuring that the physicians found no evidence of her being unwell as a result of her original mother’s addiction. Additionally, she keeps in touch with her biological mother and appreciates Rebecca and Crystal’s devotion for her.

The United States President Honored Rebecca and Her Husband

During their State of the Union Address, President Trump and the First Lady also paid tribute to the Holets family. The crowd gave the parents a standing ovation when they traveled to Washington, D.C. with five of their kids.

Donald Trump honoring Albuquerque police officer Ryan Holets and wife Rebecca Holets. Photo Source: Mothering

Ryan and Rebecca, you are the epitome of what is wonderful about our country, as we have seen today when faced with the greatest struggle. I’m grateful.