Steve Sostak Passed Away At The Age Of 49

Saxophonist and singer Steve Sostak has passed away at the age of 49. The cause of death has not yet been made public. Faye Kolly, a longtime Sostak friend, posted a lengthy tribute to him on Facebook, saying:

“I’ve been thinking about how to respect the memory of a long-lost buddy. We haven’t spoken since college, but knowing of his death and seeing the great pain and memories of my friends and friends of friends has hit a raw chord.”

For those who knew and loved him, Sostak was a “bright light,” according to Kolly. Sostak was a person who was passionate about music and the band, according to Kolly. He was a participant who was constantly eager to participate in the planned Amnesty International letter-writing campaign on school. Kolly cited the moment they changed the song’s lyrics to “It’s a shame about Ray” as one of her most treasured college experiences. She continued, saying:

“Even though I dislike the song, the irony and good nature of the performance still get to me when I hear it. He succeeded well amid a sea of conformity in college and in life. He was always true to himself.”

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Kolly asked everyone to get in touch with those who had known Steve Sostak for a long period. Kolly continued by saying that everyone would miss him dearly and that he had lived a meaningful life. The article ended with:

“My heartfelt sympathies to my Facebook pals who may be reading this and are grieving his demise. But you don’t have to know him to remember him. Dial up your contacts and connect with the individuals that are important to you.”


Twitter user’s pay tribute:

Over the years, Steve Sostak has developed a reputation as a flawless performer. When news of his passing spread, Twitter was flooded with condolences:

Steve Sostak died in Beijing where he used to live:

Steve Sostak was a founding member of Inspire Citizens, a group whose mission is to enable educators and students to make a difference in the world. He began performing at Check Engine with Chris Daly after enrolling at the University of Notre Dame.

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Using The Leg When the two moved to Chicago and connected with more people, including Scott Ana and Matt Alicea, Johnny was born. Before disbanding and starting a new band, ZZZZ, the band released a few albums. In 2005, ZZZZ released their debut album, Palm Reader, and performed live at a number of occasions. For the next few years, Sostak changed his line of work to teaching. By developing media and global impact initiatives, he collaborated with Inspire Citizens to pique instructors’ and students’ interests in the community and problem-solving.